SEC Charges San Antonio Advisor with Conducting a Fraudulent Scheme
From the Desk of Jim Eccleston at Eccleston Law:
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has filed suit against a San Antonio-based advisor for managing a fraudulent scheme which raised nearly $58 million from at least 300 clients. According to the complaint, Robert Mueller and his firm Deeproot Funds, LLC served as investment advisors for two pooled investment funds organized by Mueller. Mueller and Deeproot convinced numerous clients, including several elderly individuals, to sell annuities held with other investment firms and join the pooled investment funds, according to the complaint.
The SEC’s complaint alleges that the pooled investment funds generated nearly $58 million from clients. Mueller used at least $30 million of client assets to fund other business he operates and paid another $820,000 to earlier investors, according to the SEC’s complaint. The complaint further alleges that Mueller wrongfully collected $1.6 million in salary from Policy Services, Inc., another company Mueller owns, while additionally misappropriating another $1.5 million to cover personal expenses.
Eccleston Law LLC represents investors and financial advisors nationwide in securities, employment, regulatory and disciplinary matters.
Tags: eccleston, eccleston law, sec, fraud